Posts tagged Bring It
Bring It! on the Today Show

I started my career as a Page at NBC - yes, if you've seen 30 Rock it's just like Kenneth the Page, but with a little bit more real work involved! So I was so thrilled to get to have a little bit of a homecoming and share two of the recipes from Bring It! on The Today Show this week. 

We wanted two pastas perfect for summer entertaining so we did the Red Wine Pasta and the Pesto Vinaigrette Pasta

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Oh Hey, Oprah and Martha Love Bring It! Too!

It's been so amazing in the last month to see Bring It! out in the world. When you write a cookbook it is years of testing and tasting and writing and then suddenly one day everyone gets in on the action. 

And it's also been super exciting to see support from all kinds of places. Oprah shared 4 of the recipes - too bad she doesn't have a book club! Martha Stewart shared some of my potluck tips. And Good Morning America recommends a girls night in. 

And if you want to blow off work and watch me cook some watermelon ribs and mango puffs while getting a little bit tipsy with Food and Wine's Justin Chapple on his show Mad Genius, you can watch the video below.

And if you haven't ordered it yet, you can always do it at this link - and if you want a signed bookplate to put in the book just shoot me an email at and I will send you one!

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